What Is Akuamma?

What Is Akuamma was first seen on https://kratomspace.com.


What Is Akuamma?

Your Guide
If you’re involved in the herbal and natural health communities, you’ve likely heard some people mention Akuamma – especially in recent years. This tree native to Africa has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, but the rest of the world has a long way to go with understanding the ins and outs of how it works. Recently, it has become a plant of special interest for those who are seeking alternatives to Kratom.
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What We Do Know

Trying to determine if Akuamma might be worth exploring as an alternative to kratom?

Here’s an incredibly detailed (and maybe overwhelming) breakdown

In this post, we’ll keep it simple by digging into some of the answers to questions that most people are asking….But don’t just take our word for it!

As with all new plants, you should use your own discernment after doing thorough research, and most importantly, consult with a trusted expert!

Akuamma vs Kratom

While both plants are very different in their overall chemical makeup, Akuamma and Kratom have quite a few reported similarities in terms of the effects that they produce.

Both plants interact with the opioid receptors and hold the potential to stimulate, boost stamina, and regulate discomfort caused by pain.

However, many people who have tried both of these plants claim that Kratom is the more potent of the two when it comes to the effects mentioned above. Although it’s hard to discern the validity of this due to variations in product quality among both plants. 

While one is not necessarily “better” than the other, each might be better for different people depending on their needs.

The Alkaloids in Akuamma

Akuamma’s primary active alkaloid is called Akuammine, which is thought to be responsible for the bulk of its pain-relieving properties.

There are also a number of other noteworthy alkaloids found in Akuamma that likely have a synergistic effect with Akuammine. 

Some have distinct and beneficial properties of their own.

A handful of Akuammas other alkaloids include:

  • Akuammigine – Thought to protect against the effects of adrenaline.
  • Pseudo-akuammigine – Believed to reduce inflammation, support the nervous system, and potentially lower blood pressure.
  • Alstonine – Is theorized to have antipsychotic properties.

How is Akuamma Traditionally Used?

From a traditional standpoint, the whole Akuamma tree is used right down to its roots. Although, like with many other medicinal plants each part has its own indications.

For example, the leaves have historically been used to treat measles while the fruit was used for cough, fever, and to suppress appetite during long treks and periods without food.

Outside of Africa, the seeds are the most common part of the plant for sale – as this is where the highest amount of the plant’s pain-relieving and stimulating alkaloids are believed to reside.

How To Prepare Akuamma Seeds

Akuamma seeds are typically ground into a powder to make accessing its alkaloids easier, although traditionally they were sometimes chewed.

If you purchase your seeds whole, you will need to powder them in a coffee grinder or with another tool in order to get the most out of them.

Commonly Mentioned Prep Methods:

  • Putting the powder into capsules
  • Blending the powder into smoothies
  • “Toss and washing” like with Kratom
  • Making tea

Capsules and smoothies may be the best way to mask this plant’s notoriously bitter taste.

How Much Akuamma Do People Take?

People often report taking between 250mg and 500mg of powdered Akuamma, which seems to equate to one or two seeds. 

Although, we can’t say for certain how a dose may affect you, so if you do decide to try this plant be sure to start with a low amount and gauge how your body is responding before trying a “full” dose.

If you do receive the seeds in powdered form, you should always use a scale to weigh out your dosage as a way to ensure accuracy.

Tips For Purchasing Akuamma

Powdered seeds may seem like the way to go in terms of convenience, but you may be compromising quality when you go this route.

The rule of thumb for just about all plants is that you should aim to keep them in their whole form for as long as possible before use.

Doing this does has the following benefits:

  • Potency doesn’t degrade as quickly
  • Less chance of contamination
  • Easier to measure if you’re without a scale
  • Less risk associated with improper storage

The Takeaway

If you’re interested in another natural, plant-based alternative to Kratom, Akuamma could prove to be a worthwhile ally. While its alkaloids are totally different, some of them act on the body in a similar way, and in turn produce similar effects.

As with Kratom, the research surrounding Akuamma is still lacking, so before proceeding, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider to determine where you fall on the risk/benefit spectrum.

Have more questions about Akuamma that you think we can help with? 
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