How to Make Kratom Tea

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How to Make Kratom Tea

How to Make Kratom Tea

Your Guide
Over the past decade, people have devised all sorts of ways to ingest Kratom… But it’s hard to beat what’s tried and true.  In addition to chewing Kratom leaves, making tea has been a top choice for hundreds of years in Southeast Asia, and for good reason.
While still fairly bitter in taste, Kratom tea has a number of advantages:  t
he taste seems to be more palatable when compared to other methods; it eliminates the need to consume a bunch of powder; it’s easier on the stomach and the intestines; and when prepared right, it’s more sanitary (due to simmering).
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It Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated

Thinking about trying out tea but worried about wasting product?

Naturally, people want to get the most out of their Kratom. This has led to all sorts of intricate techniques making their way onto forums.

While there are some basic do’s and don’ts, it’s actually pretty simple…There’s no need to add a bunch of stuff to the water to aid with extraction.

Kratom and its alkaloids are water soluble, which makes brewing Kratom tea almost foolproof.

In this post, we’ll fill you in on the basics.

Measure Out What You Need And Avoid Making In Bulk

Making Kratom tea in bulk to have on hand might seem like a good idea, but in order to preserve quality, you shouldn’t make more than what you’ll need for a serving.

Making smaller amounts of tea also makes it easier to keep track of your dosage. When you make more than what you need for a serving, it can be hard to effectively measure out what you need as volumetric dosing isn’t always accurate.

and Steep

The process of making tea from plants like Kratom differs from what is done to brew things like black or green tea just for flavor.

To effectively extract all of Kratom’s active alkaloids into the water, you should aim to gently simmer your Kratom for a good ten minutes. Once you’ve done this, turn the heat off and let the tea steep with a lid on the pot for another 20 minutes or so.


Two cups of water for a serving seems to be a good place to start, but you can adjust this in accordance to your personal preference.


  • More water results in a milder taste
  • Less water results in a stronger taste but less liquid to drink
  • The potency remains the same as long as all of the liquid is consumed 
During the simmering process, you may want to stir your Kratom to keep it from coming out of the water and sticking to the sides of the pot.

Separate The Tea From the Plant Material

Once your Kratom tea has finished simmering and steeping you’ll need to strain it. There are a few ways to do this, and you likely won’t have to purchase any special equipment. Reusable coffee filters tend to work well, but you can also use cheesecloth, a clean thin cotton cloth, or a device like a french press.


If you’re patient, you can probably get away with using a paper coffee filter, but these tend to take a long time and are prone to ripping.

Some Additional Things You Can Try If Desired

The method mentioned above is a basic one that works for many people, but it’s not the only way to do it. If you’re feeling creative or have some extra Kratom to spare you might want to experiment.


  •  Some people believe that adding citrus juice to the pot while the Kratom is simmering aids in pulling Kratoms alkaloids into the water. This may work to improve the flavor of your brew, especially for strong white vein kratoms.


  • While not traditional, adding a fruity green tea bag during the steeping step might also work to improve flavor.


  • Users have reported having success with making “cold brew” kratom tea. While the effectiveness of this is up for debate, it may prove to be worthwhile for you if you have some extra time. If you decide to try this, keep in mind that people claim that it is most effective with powder rather than the crushed leaf.

The Takeaway

Kratom tea is an effective and efficient way of getting the active alkaloids into your system without the hassle of having to choke down a bunch of powder.

While users claim this to be a tried and effective method, your experience may vary based on a variety of factors. If you decide to try Kratom tea, be sure to use your own discernment when deciding on a brewing method.


Also, if you haven’t already done so, be sure to check with your health care provider before proceeding with consuming Kratom in any form. There’s a lot that we don’t understand about its side effects, and in some people, it could be detrimental to health and other alternatives might be better.


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